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Your Profile

Profile menu

Accessible from the top right of the Dashboard or the top right of any Board providing the top toolbar is expanded.

Click “Edit Profile” to view and modify your profile.

Profile window

You  may:

  • Accept the default avatar of your initials with a blue background, and the initials of your name.
  • Upload an image of your choice.
  • Enter your own custom initials and set a background color.

Full Name
Changes your name.

The organization name the account belongs to, which may only be edited by an administrator in the organization profile section.

Email Address
On changing your email address, you will be sent an email to the new email address with a confirmation code that must be entered to complete the process.

Allows you to change your password.

Click to upload your profile image.

Board role scope

Applies To: Members

Plan Availability: Free*, Standard, Premium
