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Board Roles and Permissions

Board roles define what users may do when they open a board in a project or via an invite.

Opening a board from a project

If a user opens a board from a project they are a member of, their board role is determined by their project role and board ownership.

Opening a board from an invite

An invitation defines the board role the user will have.

Board Roles:

  • Board Host: May control all aspects of a board session, including invites and their flow.
  • Board Facilitator: Has many of a board host’s capabilities but focused on helping them manage the session and addressing attendee needs.
  • Board Editor: May edit the board according to what the board host and board facilitator allow.
  • Board Commentator: May chat, add new comments or respond to comments, but otherwise may not edit the board.
  • Board Viewer:May chat but may not comment or edit the board in any manner.

Card Assigned:

A member or a guest that has been assigned to a Card, which can be:

  • Responsible: responsible for a Card’s outcome.
  • Collaborator: participates in the Card’s outcome.
  • Supervisor: supervises any Card actions and must approve the completion of a task assigned to the card.


The owner of an object, such as a comment or a card. The owner is typically the creator of the object; however, ownership may be transferred to another member.

Board role permissions are conditions:

Board ActionDescriptionBoard HostBoard FacilitatorBoard EditorBoard CommentatorBoard ViewerConditions 
Permit EditingMay edit the boardYesYesYesNoNo  
Participate in PollsMay participate in a pollYesYesYesYesNo  
Create PollsMay create and open a pollYesYesYesNoNo  
Export BoardMay export the boardYesYesYesNoNo  
Create SlidesMay created slidesYesYesYesNoNo  
Save as TemplateMay save a board as a templateYesYesYesNoNoMembers or Guests 
Create Task TimerMay create a manage new task timerYesYesYesNoNo  
Manage Any Task TimerMay manage any running timersYesYesNoNoNoTimer Creator 
Bring To MeMay bring another member to their position on the boardYesYesNoNoNo  
Bring All To MeMay bring all to their position on the boardYesYesNoNoNo  
Manage InviteMay open and edit invitations for the boardYesNoNoNoNo  
Set Board Opening ViewSet the starting opening of the boardYesNoNoNoNoBoard Owner 
Start a Video ConferenceMay start a video conferenceYesYesYesNoNoMembers or Guests 
Permit MicrophoneMay use their microphone in a conferenceYesYesYesYesNo  
Permit WebCamMay use their webcam in a conferenceYesYesYesYesNo  
Permit ScreenShareMay screen share in a conferenceYesYesYesYesNo  
Start a PresentationMay start a presentationYesYesYesNoNoMembers or Guests 
Take Presentation ControlMay take control of the  presentationYesYesYesNoNo  
Permit Microphone in a PresentationMay use their microphone during a presentationYesYesYesYesNoPresenters 
Microphone on by default in a PresentationWhether the microphone is on by default during a presentationNoNoNoNoNoPresenters 
Permit Webcam in a PresentationMay use their webcam during a presentationNoNoNoNoNoPresenters 
Webcam on by default in a PresentationWhether the webcam is on by default during a presentationNoNoNoNoNoPresenters 
Open LibraryMay open the libraryYesYesYesNoNo  
Add Library ContentMay add content to the libraryYesYesYesNoNo  
Delete Library ContentMay delete content from the libraryYesNoNoNoNo  
Download Library ContentMay download library contentYesYesYesNoNo  
Open ChatMay open chatYesYesYesYesYes  
Create Chat MessageMay create chat messagesYesYesYesYesNo  
Delete Chat MessageMay delete chat messagesYesYesNoNoNoMessage Owner 
Mention Members or GuestsMay mention those with project accessYesYesYesYesNoMembers or Guests 
Add CommentMay add a comment to the boardYesYesYesYesNo  
Edit CommentMay edit commentsNoNoNoNoNoComment Owner 
Delete CommentMay delete commentsYesYesN0NoNoComment Owner 
Create CardMay create a cardYesYesYesNoNoMembers or Guests 
Open CardMay open a cardYesYesYesYesNoCard Assigned, Card Owner, Board Host 
Add/Remove Card ResponsibleMay add or remove the person responsible for the cardYesYesYesYesNoCard Supervisor, Card Owner, Board Host 
Add/Remove Card CollaboratorsMay add or remove card collaborators YesYesYesYesNoCard Supervisor, Responsible, Card Owner, Board Host 
Add/Remove  Card SupervisorMay add or remove the person supervising the cardYesYesYesNoNoCard Owner, Board Host 
Assigned Responsible for the CardMay be assigned responsible for the cardYesYesYesNoNoMembers or Guests 
Assigned Collaborators for the CardMay be assigned a collaborator for the cardYesYesYesNoNoMembers or Guests 
Assigned the Supervisor for the CardMay be assigned the supervisor for the cardYesYesYesYesNoMembers or Guests 
Delete CardMay delete a cardYesYesYesNoNoCard Owner, Board Host 
Edit Card TitleMay edit the title of a cardYesYesYesYesNoCard Assigned, Card Owner, Board Host 
Edit Card TaskMay set and edit the card taskYesYesYesYesNoCard Assigned, Card Owner, Board Host 
Edit Card LabelsMay set and edit the card labelsYesYesYesYesNoCard Assigned, Card Owner, Board Host 
Add Card CommentMay add a comment to the cardYesYesYesYesNoCard Assigned, Card Owner, Board Host 
Edit Card CommentMay edit a comment in the cardYesYesYesYesNoCard Comment Owner 
Delete Card CommentMay delete a comment in the cardYesYesYesYesNoCard Assigned, Card Owner, Board Host 
Add Card StepMay add a step to the cardYesYesYesYesNoCard Assigned, Card Owner, Board Host 
Edit Card StepMay edit a step in the cardYesYesYesYesNoCard Assigned, Card Owner, Board Host 
Delete StepMay delete a step to the cardYesYesYesYesNoCard Assigned, Card Owner, Board Host 
Add Card AttachmentMay add an attachment to the cardYesYesYesYesNoCard Assigned, Card Owner, Board Host 
Edit Card AttachmentMay edit an attachment in the cardYesYesYesYesNoCard Assigned, Card Owner, Board Host 
Delete Card AttachmentMay delete an attachment from a cardYesYesYesYesNoCard Assigned, Card Owner, Board Host 
Open Card AttachmentMay open an attachment on the cardYesYesYesYesNoCard Assigned, Card Owner, Board Host 


Board role scope

Plan Availability: Free*, Standard, Premium