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Edit a Member or Guest

Edit member or guest

Accessible from the Dashboard -> Administration -> Members & Guests

As an administrator, you may edit the details of any member or guest in your organization, including the following:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Whether they are a Member or a Guest

If a member or guest has not been previously licensed, they will receive an email to activate their account at the nominated email address.

Note the following additional information and properties that may be altered:

Set profile image

Upload and override the profile image of the member or guest.

Project and board count display

Displays how many projects and boards are owned by the member or guest.

Toggle switch icon

Licensed:  Determines whether the member or guest is licensed, hence may log in and use HuddleIQ. The number of licenses remaining is displayed in the bottom-left of the window.

Note: If delicensed, all invitations created by the member are cancelled. Note that Guests may not create invitations.

Administrator:  Determines whether the member is an administrator. Note that only Members maybe administrators.

May Set Avatar:  Determines whether the member or guest may alter their profile image.

Transfer ownership icon

This option will only appear if the member or guest is an owner of any assets.

Assets such as private boards, templates, and uploaded files are initially owned by the member  or guest who created them. Ownership provides certain permissions.

This option allows you to transfer ownership of this member’s assets to another member only.

Note: Reassigned private projects will appear using the name of the project and prepended with the member or guest’s name it was reassigned from to aid its identification.

Transfer ownership
Change password icon

Change the password for the given member or guest.

Resend member activation email button

When a member or guest is added and licensed for the first time, they will receive an email titled “Welcome to HuddleIQ”, which asks them to activate their membership to complete the process of becoming a member or guest of the organization’s HuddleIQ account.

If the member or guest has not yet activated their membership or has lost their welcome email, click this button to resend a new activation email.

Board role scope

Applies To: Administrators

Plan Availability: Free*, Standard, Premium