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Shapes toolbar options
Container icons

A container is a flexible collection of cells that can be arranged and adjusted to suit your needs.

Each cell allows objects to be attached to it, allowing unparalleled flexibility in organizing and arranging information, ideas, and content.

Four preset containers are available from the objects menu to help you get started.

Container template icon

Placing a container template on the board is as simple as clicking the desired container template and clicking where on the board to place it.

Once the container template is placed on the board, it will automatically go into select mode.

Container Object

Container template example

Container Toolbar

Container toolbar
Border style

Container Border Style provides options to:

  • Select the type of container border, be that none, solid, dotted, or dashed.
  • Select the corner container border radius.
  • Select the thickness of the container border.
  • Select the opacity and color of the container border.
Background color icon

Select the opacity and color of the container background.

Container name icon
Container name options

If enabled, it displays a configurable name for the container.

Set the container grid spacing

Add padding in between the cells of your container.

Cell flexing icon

Enable or disable cell flexing when adding or moving objects.

Cell flexing in a container
Select all cells icon

Sets properties for all cells in the container by changing all cell borders, or all cell background colors.

Delete icon

Delete the selected objects.

Lock icon

Lock or unlock selected objects to avoid unwanted modifications.

Zoom to fit

Zoom your selected objects so that they perfectly fit your screen.

Cell Toolbar

Cell toolbar

Click on an individual cell to display toolbar options specific to that cell.

Note: Clicking the same cell again will toggle between the container toolbar and this cell toolbar.

Border style

Cell Border Style provides options to:

  • Select the type of cell border, be that none, solid, dotted, or dashed.
  • Select the corner cell border radius.
  • Select the thickness of the cell border.
  • Select the opacity and color of the cell border.
Background color icon

Select the opacity and color of the cell background.

Container add cells icon
Container add cell options

Add cells above or below, which will add a new row of cells.

Add cells to the left or right, which will add a new column of cells.

Cell move icon
Options to move cells in a container

Based on the location of the cell, potential options to move the cell include:

  • Move the cell to the left
  • Move the cell to the right
  • Move the cell above
  • Move the cell below
Note:  If a move in a particular direction is not displayed, then that directional move is currently not supported.
Container split cell icon
Split cell options for containers

Split a cell either vertically or horizontally.

Merge container cells
Container cell merging options

Merge cells together in the direction specified.

Delete a cell from the container

Based on the location of the cell, potential options to delete the cell include:

  • Delete and merge the cell to the left.
  • Delete and merge the cell to the right.
  • Delete and merge the cell to that above.
  • Delete and merge the cell to that below.
Select the container icon

Select the container where the cell resides.

Board role scope

Applies To: Board Hosts, Board Facilitators, Board Editors

Plan Availability: Free*, Standard, Premium