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Selection versus Edit Mode

Selection versus Edit Mode

Selection mode occurs when an object has been clicked, where its controls and toolbar are displayed.

Edit mode occurs after an object has been selected. For objects that support text input, clicking inside the selected object places it into edit mode where its contents may be added to or updated.

Text cursor icon

The below image shows a sticky note in edit mode. The blinking cursor at the beginning of the text signifies this.

Note: At the end of the word “Education” you’ll see the text cursor, signifying that you may click that location to move the blinking cursor to that position.

Stick note in text edit mode
Pointer cursor icon

The below image again shows a sticky note in edit mode with the blinking cursor at the end of the text.

Here you’ll notice there is no text cursor but a pointer cursor. This occurs when you move the cursor outside of the current editing area and allow the object to be moved using click and drag.

Sticky note in edit mode example
Board role scope

Applies To: Board Hosts, Board Facilitators, Board Editors

Plan Availability: Free*, Standard, Premium