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Settings & Integrations

Settings and integrations menu

Settings allow you to configure preferences that apply to all boards that you open.

Integrations allow you to connect, integrate, and utilize third-party applications with HuddleIQ.

Both options can be found by clicking the bottom icon on the RHS toolbar.

Background icon

Change the board background.

Borderless video icon

Choose to show a border and title bars when video conferencing.

Collaborato's cursor icon

Choose to see where other users are on the board.

Zoom on mouse scrolling versus panning icon

Choose whether the mouse scroll wheel zooms the Board or pans the Board.

Starting view when opening the board icon

Set the opening position when users open the board.

Show educational tools icon

Choose to see educational tools such as MathType and ChemType.

Create or update a template icon

Chose whether to see a list of templates when you create a new board.

Object defaults

Set the default font, font size, font color, and auto-fit for:

Integrations icon
Settings & Integrations

Open the integrations window to list third-party applications you can integrate with HuddleIQ.

Settings & Integrations

Applies To: Board Hosts, Board Facilitators, Board Editors

Plan Availability: Free*, Standard, Premium

Notes: Integrations are not available on the free plan.