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Embed iFrame or URL

Embed iFrame or URL

Embed code from your favorite app into a HuddleIQ board and interact with it, including Youtube, Filament, UserVoice, UpTo, Add This, BlackBoard, SoundCloud, Prezi, SlideShare, MapBox, and hundreds more.

Alternatively, you can add any website URL and display it on the board for users to click and open in a separate browser tab.

Simply go to the RHS menu, select the “Import/Export” icon and select “Embed iFrame or URL”

Embed iFrame or URL input box

Enter the embed code or a URL link.

Tip: To customize the displayed URL link name, append it with “|” and name to display, such as “|Google”

Embed object

Once you embed the iFrame code or URL, it will be displayed on the board. Click once to select it, and click again to enter and interact with it, such as moving the map around and zooming as with an embed from Google Maps.


Expand icon

Pop out a large view off the embed code that is ready for interation.

Edit icon

Edit embed code or URL link.

Delete icon

Delete the selected objects.

Lock icon

Lock or unlock selected objects to avoid unwanted modifications.

Fit the selected object to the screen

Zoom your selected objects so that they perfectly fit your screen.