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What is a Visitor?

A visitor is someone that can be invited to access a board without being registered with HuddleIQ, however, visitors may never access the dashboard.

Visitor Board Roles

A visitor may be invited as a Board Viewer, Board Commentator, or a Board Editor; they may not be invited as Board Facilitators or Board Hosts.

Review board roles and permissions to see what actions visitors may undertake for the board role assigned.

On the invite page of a board, select the board role and click “Copy Visitor Link” and distribute the link using your preferred method of communication.

Visitor link creation
Inviting Visitors

The create and manage an invite article details the process of inviting visitors. Note, visitors will have access to the board for so long as the invite remains.

Are Visitor Invites Allowed By Default in Shared Projects?

No. Whether visitor invites are allowed is determined per project, where a project manager may enable project managers and project editors to create visitor invites.

Create a shared project
Can I Invite Visitors to Boards in my Private Projects?


Visitor Licencing

Each visitor license may be used concurrently. For example, if you have ten visitor licenses and five members, each member may open a board and invite ten visitors each simultaneously.

Visitor licenses cost the same as a member license, and you may allocate licenses accordingly in the subscription area.

What Happens if Too Many Visitors Open a Link?

If the number of visitors actively on the board reaches the number of visitor licenses, the next visitor to open the link will be denied access.

Board role scope

Applies To: Board Editors, Board Collaborators, Board Viewers

Plan Availability: Standard, Premium