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Poll results

Get feedback and get your team involved by creating a poll and see live results of their views and opinions.

Bottom right toolbar polls selected

Click this icon located on the bottom-right toolbar to create a new poll or to view the results of previously completed polls.

Tip: If you can not see this icon, then the toolbar has been collapsed; click the below icon to expand it.

Expand lower right toolbar icon
Poll history

A list of previously completed or running votes and polls is displayed.
Use the search filter to narrow your results.

Create poll

To create a new poll, click the above button.

New poll

Select a poll template

If you have a previously saved a poll, you can select it here. Additionally, you can edit or delete the saved poll.

Select a saved poll


Enter the poll question.

Time open in minutes

Enter the number of minutes the poll will be open for. You can always extend or reduce the remaining poll time when it is running.

Allow me to submit my poll response

Specify whether you, as the poll initiator, may submit a poll result.

Save poll as a template

Specify whether you want to save this poll for later reuse.


Enter the possible answers, and click “Add Answer” to add more answer options.

Start Poll

Once you are happy with the poll details, start the poll and let the results come in!

Poll Management and Results

Poll Initiator
Once the poll is running, the poll initiator may pause, resume, stop, extend or reduce the remaining time and see live poll results.

Everyone else
Everyone else will be presented with the poll, but they may not see live poll results, but depending on the “Show results to” setting, they may see the final poll results and view them in the previous history results.