Online Whiteboard Guide

What Are The Key Features Of An Online Whiteboard For Design Thinking?

Key Takeaways

  • Visual and interactive: Promotes creativity, effective communication, and audience engagement.
  • Flexible and scalable: Adjusts to various requirements and circumstances throughout the design thinking process.
  • Time-saving: Eliminates the need for physical brainstorming sessions and speeds up note-taking and documentation.
  • Collaborative and synchronous: Enables real-time collaboration, regardless of location or device.
  • Integrative and compatible: Seamlessly integrates with various tools and platforms, enhancing the whiteboard’s functionality.
  • Recordable: Allows users to review, share, and reference sessions for future projects.
  • Accessible and secure: Can be accessed from any device and offers control over data privacy and security.


The center stage in design thinking is dominated by users with its creative and collaborative focus on problem-solving. It involves empathizing with the user, defining the problem, ideating possible solutions, prototyping and testing them, and implementing the best one.

Users are able to communicate with one another and work on the same digital surface by using an online whiteboard as their tool.

The application’s features include, among other things, tools for brainstorming, the ability to draw, mapping functions, and presentation choices. The process of design thinking may be improved by using an online whiteboard since it provides various important elements, including as:

Visual and interactive

Individuals can make their thoughts more articulate by making use of diverse visual assists such as outlines, photographs, and words which can be put on an electronic board. This can help in promoting creativity, communicate effectively, and engaging the audience.

Flexible and scalable

An online whiteboard has the flexibility to adjust to the many requirements and circumstances that arise throughout the design thinking process. The user is able to design many boards for different stages or sections of the project, zoom in and out to alter the level of detail, and resize or rearrange the components as required.


An online whiteboard can save time during the design thinking process by eliminating the need for physical brainstorming sessions, reducing the time spent on note-taking and documentation, and allowing for real-time collaboration and feedback.

Collaborative and synchronous

Regardless of their location or device, users may collaborate in real time on the same canvas using an online whiteboard.   Users are able to see the movements of the cursor made by one another, communicate via text or voice, remark on one another’s work, and co-create or co-edit the material.

Integrative and compatible

The process of design thinking often makes use of a variety of different tools and platforms, all of which can be integrated with an online whiteboard. Pages, videos, and documents can be inserted or connected, and the functionality of the whiteboard can be increased with the assistance of add-ons and applications. Google Drive, Dropbox, and other cloud storage services can be imported and exported.


An online whiteboard can be recorded, allowing users to review the session later, share it with others, or use it as a reference for future projects.

Accessible and secure

Any device with an internet connection and a web browser can access the online whiteboard. Users can also choose who can view or edit their boards, set passwords or permissions, and manage their data privacy and security.


Those that engage in design thinking should have access to an online whiteboard as one of their primary tools. People can collaborate on tasks, communicate, and synch up regardless of physical distance or the type of technology they have available. An online whiteboard can assist you in streamlining the creative thinking process and achieving your objectives in a more time and labor saving manner, regardless of whether you are a member of the team or the facilitator.