Online Whiteboard Guide

What Are the Best Strategies for Using Mind Mapping on Online Whiteboards to Boost Creativity?

Key Takeaways

  • Start with a central topic or question to anchor your mind map and allow it to emerge organically from the central topic.
  • Build associations and connections between ideas using colors, images, shapes, and imagery to spark new connections and insights.
  • Use pre-designed mind mapping templates like organization charts, Venn diagrams, flow charts, and mind palaces to structure ideas in new and interesting ways.
  • Share and collaborate in real-time on online whiteboards to enable productive mind mapping sessions with geographically dispersed teams.


Mind mapping, a visual method for organizing one’s ideas and thoughts, is a relatively recent concept. Making unexpected connections between ideas is one of the ways in which it helps to stimulate creative thought. Mind mapping is elevated to a higher level by using online whiteboards, which enable real-time collaboration on mind maps by multiple users. This facilitates enhanced creative thinking by bringing together a variety of points of view.

Start with a Central Topic or Question

Pose an open-ended question, topic, or theme in the center of the whiteboard to anchor your mind map. This could relate to solving a problem, coming up with new ideas, or brainstorming possibilities. Allow your mind map to emerge organically from the central topic. Make lines, arrows and words to show how ideas link to each other in interesting and unexpected ways. Connect ideas that seem opposite or contradictory—this paradox can spark new connections and insights.

Build Associations and Connections

While you are developing your mind map, you should investigate associations, analogies, metaphors, and synonyms. How can you use colours, images, shapes, and imagery to connect different ideas in a way that is creative and takes advantage of multiple dimensions? Try making connections between concepts that the vast majority of people would never think go together. These “surprises” uncovered by the mind map lead to original thought.

Use Pre-Designed Mind Mapping Templates

The limitations imposed by the mind mapping templates force you to approach the subject at hand from different vantage points. Your ideas can be structured in new and interesting ways by using templates such as organization charts, Venn diagrams, flow charts, mind palaces, and others. Modify the examples as necessary to meet the requirements of your mind mapping project. The templates provoke fresh ways of thinking about the subject at hand.

Share and Collaborate in Real-Time

Invite other people to work with you on your mind map by using a whiteboard that is accessible online. You should share your screen with other people so that they can see the mind map developing in real time and add their own ideas. Talk about the various aspects of the mind map, expanding on each other’s ideas as you go to make the mind map even better together. Take note of all the insights and connections that are discussed while simultaneously reviewing and enhancing the mind map in a group setting. Real-time collaboration paves the way for productive mind mapping sessions with geographically dispersed teams.


In summary, combining mind mapping, online whiteboards and collaborative thinking fuels creativity. Starting with an open mindset, making unexpected connections, using creative templates and sharing in real-time enable innovative cognitive processes that result in meaningful outcomes. Employing these strategies together amplifies the power of mind mapping, enabling dynamic creativity sessions regardless of team location. Overall, mind mapping on whiteboards facilitates constructive dialogue between individuals, unlocking new ways of thinking about complex topics. When the mind map grows, so do ideas.