Online Whiteboard Guide

What Are the Benefits of Combining Mind Mapping and Online Whiteboards for Problem Solving?

Key Takeaways

  • Combining mind mapping and online whiteboards allows for seeing problems from multiple angles and making new connections.
  • Use problem-solving templates like logic models, root cause analyses, design thinking maps, or SWOT matrices to gain different insights into the problem.
  • The synergy between diverse ideas and perspectives on a mind map leads to innovative solutions.
  • Collaborative discussions on online whiteboards enhance creativity and result in hybrid approaches.
  • Review and evaluate solutions collaboratively to refine and improve them through iterative feedback and adjustment.
  • Mind mapping, online whiteboards, and templates foster innovative problem-solving by amplifying cognition, transforming problems into solutions, and inspiring breakthrough insights.
  • These techniques create a holistic, integrative problem-solving approach with a strong potential for innovation, boosting both individual and group creativity.


Mind mapping helps visualise thoughts and organise ideas. It stimulates creativity by making unexpected connections and looking at problems in new ways. Online whiteboards enable collaboration on mind maps in real-time, bringing diverse perspectives to problem solving. And problem-solving templates structure mind maps into useful frameworks for analysing issues or determining solutions.

Together, these approaches transform how individuals and teams perceive and solve complex problems. They inspire innovative solutions through integrative thinking and fresh perspectives on the problem space.

See Problems from Multiple Angles

Place the central problem in the middle of a mind map and allow ideas to radiate out in different directions. This helps see the problem from alternate views and angles, perceiving new depths or layers of meaning. Link ideas in surprising ways to uncover underlying patterns or root causes that weren’t obvious before. New connections often lead to solutions that wouldn’t otherwise emerge.

Use Problem-Solving Templates

Apply templates like logic models, root cause analyses, design thinking maps or SWOT matrices to gain different insights into the problem. Adapt templates as needed to match the particular issue. The templates expose dynamics and leverage points that transform how the problem is defined and understood. They stimulate novel problem definitions and solution approaches.

Make New Connections and Synergies Emerge

Link ideas that are logically related but not obviously connected. Surprising associations frequently emerge from diverse ideas and perspectives connected on a mind map or during collaborative thinking. Show how different knowledge domains, disciplines or solutions could shed light on the problem in new ways. New connections spark insights and integrated solutions.

Build on Each Other's Contributions

Discuss how different ideas might work together or support one another on an online whiteboard. Debate alternative views on the problem or proposed solutions. Lively discussions enhance creativity and lead to hybrid approaches that combine the best of multiple ideas. The combined result surpasses individual contributions.

Review and Evaluate Solutions Collaboratively

Determine potential solutions and evaluate their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats together. Get input from different perspectives to make balanced and well-rounded judgments. Debate solutions and generate counterarguments to validate and improve them. Refine solutions through iterative feedback and adjustment. Consolidate different proposals into an integrated solution that benefits from collective thinking.

Combining mind mapping, online whiteboards and problem-solving templates facilitates innovative problem solving. Approaching problems with an open and curious mindset leads to seeing issues from new angles and making connections. Templates reframe problems in insightful new ways. Making unexpected associations sparks creativity and integrated solutions. And collaborative thinking enhances proposals through debate and synergy.

Together, these techniques amplify cognition, transforming abstract problems into concrete solutions. They inspire breakthrough insights and innovative problem solving. The synergies between visual, creative and multi-disciplinary thinking lead to proposals that are far more robust and impactful than individual contributions alone.


Mind mapping, whiteboards, and templates enhance visualisation, collaboration, and diversity. They facilitate problem-solving. Teams can achieve better results than individuals by rethinking problems and solving them together. These methods enable a holistic, integrative problem-solving approach with great innovation potential. They boost individual and group creativity—the ultimate force for solving even the most intractable problems.