Online Whiteboard Guide

What are the limitations of using online whiteboards for collaborative work?

Key Takeaways

  • Internet connection issues can cause delays and interruptions.
  • Compatibility with devices, browsers, or operating systems can be limited.
  • Complexity may require technical knowledge to use the platform.
  • Limited features compared to physical whiteboards.
  • Cost can be a barrier for some users.
  • Privacy and security concerns.
  • Lack of physical interaction.
  • Screen sharing difficulties.
  • Accessibility limitations for people with disabilities.
  • Maintenance requirements can disrupt collaboration.


Online whiteboards are a prevalent tool for cooperative work, but it doesn’t mean that they don’t have any constraints. From internet connectivity problems to limited features and accessibility, there are several factors that can negatively affect your collaborative experience.

In this post, we tend to study the most important limitations of using online whiteboards for collaborative work and how they affect your experience when using them.

1. Internet Connection

Online whiteboards require a stable and fast internet connection. Slow or dropped internet connections can cause delays and interruptions in communication and collaboration, which can be frustrating for participants and negatively affect the overall experience. According to Pew Research Center, some people still don’t have access to a reliable internet connection, which could further limit their ability to collaborate effectively.

2. Compatibility

Online whiteboards aren’t compatible with all devices, browsers, or operating systems. This can be a limitation for users who are not using compatible devices or who may need to switch between devices or platforms during the collaboration process.

3. Complexity

Some users might need technical knowledge to be able to use an online whiteboard. This is considered a barrier for those who are reluctant to learn and use new technologies. Plus, it’s always more time-consuming to learn how to work with a complicated online whiteboard.

4. Limited Features

Online whiteboards might lack some features that are only available on physical whiteboards, including the physical interaction with the whiteboard, drawing with different colors or thicknesses, or erasing with an eraser. This limits the ability to express ideas and collaborate creatively.

5. Cost

Some online whiteboards may require a subscription or payment to access all features, which can be a limitation for users who are looking for a free or low-cost solution. This can limit participation and collaboration for users who cannot afford the cost.

6. Privacy and Security

Online whiteboards aren’t as secure and private as physical whiteboards. The information shared on online whiteboards is vulnerable to hacks, data breaches, or other types of risks. This eventually limits the trust and confidence of those who use the platform.

7. Lack of Physical Interaction

Online whiteboards don’t offer the physical interaction that’s only possible with physical whiteboards. For example, you can’t touch and manipulate objects on the board. This can limit your collaborative experience, reduce your creativity, and restrict your ability to present your ideas with ease.

8. Screen Sharing

The content on an online whiteboard might be difficult to share with others outside of the platform, which can be a limitation for presentations or meetings. Some platforms may require participants to have the same software or browser to access the whiteboard, which can limit accessibility and collaboration.

9. Accessibility

Some online whiteboards deliver features for people with disabilities, but others aren’t useful for people who are visually impaired or have limited mobility. This can limit inclusive teaching and collaboration and prevents disabled people from positive participation and collaboration.

10. Maintenance

Maintenance is another limitation of using online whiteboards because these platforms require regular updates, bug fixes, and server maintenance. These maintenance activities can disrupt collaboration and may require downtime for the platform. This negatively affects the overall user experience and limits the availability of the whiteboard for collaborative work.

Final Words

Although online whiteboards offer myriad benefits for cooperative projects, such as remote accessibility and real-time collaboration, they also come with their limitations, as you read above and listed here. These limitations can negatively affect your experience. So, it’s important to consider them when choosing an online whiteboard platform for your collaborative work and explore alternative solutions if necessary.