Online Whiteboard Guide

Can I add annotations and comments to a shared online whiteboard?

Key Takeaways

  • Remote collaboration requires shared online whiteboards that can be annotated and commented on.
  • It makes it possible to monitor progress, hold people accountable, share knowledge, and raise the calibre of the output.
  • Common techniques include text annotations and sticky notes, though some tools also support audio and video annotations.


Remote teams increasingly use online whiteboards to collaborate and communicate in real- time. Teams can use them for concept visualization and project planning.

The inability to effectively annotate and comment on shared content for future use is one of the drawbacks of working together using an online whiteboard. The advantages of taking notes on collaborative online whiteboards that can be used later will be discussed in this article.

The Importance of Comments and Annotations

For several reasons, annotating and commenting on collaborative online whiteboards is essential. It primarily offers a means for team members to monitor the advancement of a project and keep tabs on any modifications or updates.

Team members can give each other context and feedback by adding annotations and comments, enhancing communication and collaboration.

Accountability & Teamwork

Second, sharing online whiteboards with others and adding annotations and comments can aid accountability.

Team members can assign tasks or responsibilities to one another and keep track of who is in charge of what by adding comments and annotations. By doing so, you can ensure that everyone is working towards the same objectives and that progress is being made.

Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge sharing is facilitated by annotating and commenting on collaborative online whiteboards. Team members can exchange knowledge and skills with one another by adding comments and annotations, which can raise the calibre of the work being produced.

Team members can benefit from training and development through mutual learning and skill improvement.

Get Your Team's Attention

On shared online whiteboards, there are several ways to annotate and comment. Using text annotations, team members can directly add comments to the whiteboard using a text box or speech bubble is one popular technique.

Another approach is to use sticky notes, which team members can place on the side of the whiteboard and move around as necessary.

More advanced online whiteboard systems allow you to directly add and mention others to get their attention and reply, giving conversation to any thought.

Audio & Video Annotations

Some online whiteboard tools also support audio and video annotations. This can be especially helpful for teams working on projects that demand a lot of design or visual work.

Team members can give specific feedback and instructions by adding voice or video annotations, which can help guarantee that the finished product meets everyone’s expectations.


In conclusion, remote collaboration requires annotation and commenting on shared online whiteboards. It supports accountability, sharing of knowledge, tracking progress, and raising the output standard.

Teams can quickly add annotations and comments to their shared online whiteboards using the right tools and strategies, which will help them gradually improve their communication and collaboration.