Zooming allows you to get the right-sized view you need and is accessible from the right-side toolbar.Whether you use the dedicated zoom buttons, or our keyboard and mouse shortcuts, you'll find zooming hassle-free. Press the + or - buttons to zoom in or out as you see fit. Have you ever needed to quickly zoom a shape, container, or anything so that it perfectly fits your screen? Now...

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Allows you to change the type shape or change to and from a sticky note. Available shapes to change to and from include Square, Circle, Triangle, Diamond, Pentagon, Hexagon, Trapezoid, Parallelogram, Star, Star Burst, Flag, Cylinder, Talk Bubbles, Heart, Egg, Block Right Arrow, Block Horizontal Two Way Arrow, & Block Left Arrow. As stated, you may also change to and from a sticky note.Note: Changing to a flag...

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The board map allows you to move to another area of the board quickly and is accessible from the bottom-right toolbar.The blue-bordered rectangle on the board map represents what you dynamically see on your screen as you move around the board map.Tip: An easy way to expand your board's size is to pan the board map to a new area and then place objects in that...

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Undo allows you to undo all the actions you undertook during your board session and is accessible from the right-side toolbar.Likewise, Redo allows you to redo those actions you might have undone. Applies To: Board Hosts, Board Facilitators, Board EditorsPlan Availability: Free*, Standard, Premium...

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When at least one object is selected, hovering over another will bring up this icon where clicking it will add it to the selected objects. Another way to select multiple objects is to use the area select tool. When at least one object is selected, press and hold Shift or Ctrl (or Command on Macs) and click additional objects to be selected. Applies To: Board Hosts, Board Facilitators, Board...

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Go full screen, remove your browser and operating system toolbar's clutter, and focus solely on your board. Accessible from the right-side toolbar.Below is an example of how your screen will look when you go full screen. When you go into full screen mode, the icon will change to this, and clicking it again will exit full screen mode. Press Escape on the keyboard to exit full screen mode. Applies To: Board...

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To exit your board and go back to the dashboard, click this icon and confirm. Accessible from the right-side toolbar.Remember, your work is automatically saved. Additionally, you can exit the board by clicking the HuddleIQ logo found in the top toolbar.Tip: If you can not see the top toolbar or the HuddleIQ logo, then click the below icon to expand it, which is found in the top-middle part of your...

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With HuddleIQ you need not worry about saving your work periodically. The application is designed to automatically save your progress in real-time. Applies To: Board Hosts, Board Facilitators, Board EditorsPlan Availability: Free*, Standard, Premium...

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Choose from three modes to navigate and use the board, accessible from the left-side toolbar.Select or pan the board if no object is under the cursorPan the boardArea or individual select Select or pan the boardWhen hovering over an object, the cursor becomes the pointer cursor allowing you to select and manipulate an object.When not hovering over any objects, the cursor becomes the hand cursor allowing you to...

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