Tips for virtual presentations

9 Tips for Giving a Memorable and Engaging Virtual Presentation

9 Tips for Giving a Memorable and Engaging Virtual Presentation

Tips for virtual presentations

Virtual presentations have become more in demand than ever. Studies say that by 2025, at least 22% of the workforce will be working from home. With the rise of remote work, being able to hold effective meetings without leaving the house is essential.

Being able to host an engaging virtual presentation doesn’t just stop at turning on the camera and speaking. There are vital elements you should include to give attendees the best experience. 

Keep reading to learn about these 9 tips on how to give a virtual presentation that’s memorable for everyone.

1. Address Housekeeping Rules

The first thing you want to do when it comes to giving an engaging virtual presentation is set housekeeping rules. Housekeeping is basically the logistics and protocols that you’ll be following and want others to follow during the presentation. These guidelines will help make the experience run smoothly and keep things on track.

Here are some points to address in your housekeeping introduction:

  • How and when to submit questions
  • How to engage in the chat
  • Accessibility features
  • Basic virtual meeting etiquette
  • Runtime and other details about the presentation

Once you’ve gotten attendees familiar with housekeeping guidelines, you can move on to an introduction or start your presentation.

2. Keep Slides Simple

Some people might think you have to pull out extravagant tricks to keep folks engaged during a virtual presentation. But that’s often the opposite. If you want team members to remember what’s going on, try to keep slides simple and easy to read.

Avoid cramming too much information on one slide. Focus on points and details that are a priority and most beneficial to the overall goal of the meeting. Also, keep in mind that you don’t have to read every slide word for word.

3. Have a Moderator/Facilitator

Sometimes keeping up with others while presenting virtually can feel overwhelming. One of the best tips for how to give a virtual presentation is to bring on a moderator or a facilitator.

A moderator or a facilitator can help maintain the environment and quality control of the meeting. They can do things like document incoming questions, drop links in the chat for references, or address certain technical concerns. You’ll definitely benefit from having a moderator with larger teams and numbers of attendees.

4. Pick the Least Distracting Background

Being on camera has become a societal norm. When you’re giving a virtual presentation, you want to make sure that people can focus on you easily. A great way to do this is to limit the number of distractions in your background.

Go to a quiet space and try to find a solid color wall. If you have things in the background, make sure the space is tidy and professional. If you’re using a platform that allows for virtual backgrounds then consider using one.

5. Choose the Right Tools

Having the right virtual presentation tools is one of the top tips for success. Depending on what you want to accomplish in your meeting, using the wrong tool could make it more difficult to work towards your goals.

For instance, let’s say you’re presenting a framework that you’d like to get your team on board with. If you want to walk them through your natural thinking process in real-time, you may need to opt for a virtual whiteboard tool that’s great with mind mapping and brainstorming.

Think about elements you want to include in your virtual presentation. Do you want people to be able to collaborate or leave notes on your presentation Choosing interactive tools that are optimized for virtual presentations and group meetings can create an immersive experience. 

6. Practice Ahead of Time

Giving a presentation can be nerve-wracking sometimes, especially if you have worries about public speaking. Of course, you want the meeting to go as perfectly as possible without any hiccups. One way to increase the chance of this is by practicing what you’ll say ahead of time.

Go over your slides and do a quick run-through of what you’ll say in each section. Making cue cards is a helpful way of remembering the points you want to touch on. Consider practicing in front of the mirror or asking a close friend or relative to listen and give honest feedback.

7. Use Relevant Visuals

Although it’s good to keep slides simple, using relevant images to get your point across is also a way to keep people engaged. Make sure to include visuals that are interesting and help clarify the message you want to convey even more. You can even throw in some pics for humor to break up seriousness or any tension.

Try to be mindful of your audience’s learning style. Use visuals intentionally to enhance the educational aspect of their experience. 

8. Test Video & Audio Beforehand

Depending on technology to be error-free all the time isn’t realistic. Everyone runs into tech issues and sometimes it’s at the most inopportune time. Avoid preventable technical problems by doing a test run for your video and audio features before the presentation.

9. Check Internet Connection for Stability

Last but certainly not least, check to make sure you have a strong connection on your internet. You definitely want to avoid giving a choppy presentation that keeps losing video. Do a quick test run and troubleshoot any connectivity issues you may run across.

Make Your Next Virtual Presentation One to Remember

Delivering a successful virtual presentation doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated. It’s mostly about planning ahead of time, considering your audience, and using the right tools to help convey your message and meet your goals.

You can make your next presentation a memorable one by following the tips we’ve given above. Keep practicing and you’ll see improvement each time. If you’re looking for a tool to help bring your online meetings to life, contact us to book a demonstration and learn about how HuddleIQ can enhance your virtual experiences.