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Building Blocks

A/B flowchart

A/B Flowchart

An A/B flowchart lets you visualize two different outcomes, but you can add as many outcomes as you want because of this chart’s simplicity. It is essential to have clear, defined goals in mind.

1 cell

1 Cell

Blank template to help you get started with your brainstorming.

Column preview

1 Column

Blank template to help you get started with your brainstorming.

Column with cards

1 Column with Cards

This one-column template with cards can be utilized with other templates to help accomplish your tasks. Or use it on its own.

2 cells

2 cells

Blank template to help you get started with your brainstorming.

2 column template

2 Columns

Blank template to help you get started with your brainstorming.

2x2 - 4 cells

2x2 - 4 Cells

Blank template to help you get started with your brainstorming.

2x2 - 4 cells & 1

2x2 - 4 Cells & 1

Blank template to help you get started with your brainstorming.

3 cells

3 Colums

Blank template to help you get started with your brainstorming.

Columns with cards template

3 Columns with Cards

This Three-column template with cards can be utilized with other templates to help accomplish your tasks. Or use it on its own.

3x2 - 6 cell

3x2 - 6 Cells

Blank template to help you get started with your brainstorming.

3x3 9 cells

3x3 - 9 cells

Blank template to help you get started with your brainstorming.

3x4 - 12 cells

3x4 - 12 cells

Blank template to help you get started with your brainstorming.

4 colums

4 Colums

Blank template to help you get started with your brainstorming.

4x4 16 cells

4x4 16 Cells

Blank template to help you get started with your brainstorming.

5x2 10 cells

5x2 - 10 Cells & 1

Blank template to help you get started with your brainstorming.

5x3 15 cells template

5x3 - 15 Cells & 1

Blank template to help you get started with your brainstorming.

7x4 - 28 cells template

7x4 - 28 Cells

Blank template to help you get started with your brainstorming.

7x5 35 cells

7x5 35 Cells

Blank template to help you get started with your brainstorming.

10 cells

10 Colums

Blank template to help you get started with your brainstorming.

Blank matrix template

Blank Matrix

Blank template to help you get started with your brainstorming.

Calendar 2

Blank Calendar

A blank calendar helps you plan for the year ahead to better plan timelines, resources, and outcomes.

Fine sticky note stack

Fine Sticky Note Stack

Sticky note stack to help you get started with your brainstorming.

Fine wide sticky note stack

Fine Wide Sticky Note Stack

Sticky note stack to help you get started with your brainstorming.

Blank flow chart

Flow Chart Blank

Flow Charts allow your team to create a process for new projects or refine and improve how existing processes work, resulting in effective communication and collaboration.

Blank flow chart 2

Flow Chart 2 Blank

Flow Charts allow your team to create a process for new projects or refine and improve how existing processes work, resulting in effective communication and collaboration.

Ideas tasks with cards

Ideas - Tasks with Cards

Ideas – tasks with cards to help you organize your thoughts and tasks by creating a task schedule to help you stay on top.

Kanban framework with cards

Kanban Framework with Cards

Kanban with cards to help you manage workflow, track progress, and improve efficiency by identifying bottlenecks and managing tasks.

Quick retrospective liked, learned, lacked & longed for with cards

Quick Retrospective Liked, Learned, Lacked & Longed For with cards

4L’s is a quick retrospective that helps teams find what they liked, learned, lacked, and longed for in a topic or project with added Cards to help you get started.

Small sticky note stack

Small Wide Sticky Note Stack

Sticky note stack to help you get started with your brainstorming.

Small wide sticky note stack

Small Wide Sticky Note Stack

Sticky note stack to help you get started with your brainstorming.

Venn diagram

Venn Diagram

Venn diagram is a helpful visual aid in brainstorming, meetings, and presentations. They can be beneficial for teams to break down complex ideas while brainstorming or problem-solving.

Weekly huddle with cards

Weekly Huddle with Cards

The Weekly Huddle with cards facilitates team reflection on past successes and challenges, Incorporating tasks providing an opportunity for progress updates to keep everyone informed and organized.

Weekly planner with cards

Weekly Planner with Cards

Weekly Planner with cards to help you stay on top of tasks and organize you and your team by creating a task schedule.

Board role scope

Applies To: Board Hosts, Board Facilitators, Board Editors

Plan Availability: Free*, Standard, Premium

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